after DMS, which one is better path?

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

been asked quite few times regarding this..
bukan taknak jawab, but the answer are so depends on how you adapt, how you think..but to give the ideas boleh la..

so, since after i habis DMS i continue both BMS and MBBS, maybe i can share a bit of my pov and opinion regarding this insyaAllah 

the question is - after DMS, mana satu lagi better (BMS ke MBBS)?

first thing first, do you enjoy study or not?
if the answer is yes, then we can proceed to the main answer..

but if your answer is no, and you rasa like DMS pun dah cukup menyeksakan, then you should consider to stop questioning..after DMS if you memang tak minat nak study any further, just proceed to seek for jobs..sebab both BMS and MBBS require lots of commitments..jangan seksa diri sendiri for another phase if you memang tak minat..

again, depends on your interest..
and need to consider the difference in study time too..

BMS (3years; fees: around RM100k)
-if your minat more to research, nak jadi scientist, nak jadi researcher, you love to be in lab doing research, you love to do more research compare to wardworks but at the same time you nak ada attachment dengan ward-thingy, then choose BMS :)

why? - as when you dah ada aim to be a researcher, you nak develop something, you memang dah set your goal nak jadi scientist, then just proceed with the need to waste time dengan another 5 years bila you memang dah set betul2 you nak jadi researcher..

while working as researcher you can choose to sambung study as well..take master, phD while working..yang penting, back to basic - minat..

memang la orang cakap - oh, ambik mbbs pun boleh jadi researcher jugak, boleh jadi scientist jugak etc..
but if you memang dah ada goal dari awal, kenapa nak tambah study time for things yang take mbbs itself dah painful enough if you memang takde feel or memang tak enjoy langsung to be a doctor..kenapa nak seksa diri sendiri kan..

- less study period
- no need to worry about paper sangkut2 (can finish by time)
- can work in office hour
- can further study while working (huge opportunity; minimum 1 year for master programme, depends on your choice - research/ courseworks)
- not working in wards

- in malaysia, the jobscope not really clear; but it also means that its huge
- you will not work in wards

MBBS (5years; fees: minimum RM300k)
- if you think that you more onto wardworks, you cannot stand being in the lab for longer period, tak minat sangat microscope, you lagi suka communicate with people, seeing sick people, doing wardworks, enjoy even kena kerja in hectic condition, can stand to accept people's emotion in whatever situation, then choose MBBS :)

why? - as if you cant stand being in lab for long period, you akan rasa terbeban to spend longer time doing research..if you tak kisah kena marah ke, study and works in ridiculous time, enjoy even in tiring time, then mbbs is for that nanti you tak question why you choose medicine..if you rasa macam those stressful things as membebankan, jangan bazirkan masa ambik mbbs..its not worth it seriously..

medicine itself dah already long period of study..and waktu student pun you dah rasa the heavy-ness of the not everyone meant to take the tak need the brain only..if you ambik only just because you have genius brain, kesian diri sendiri and patient nanti..
after all nak kerja with the title, nak taknak you memang nak kena undergo ho-ship..

if let say you dengar orang cakap - oh, tak buat ho-sip pun boleh je kerja, noworries..
then tak ke kesian diri sendiri, family, patients etc when you just like study for 5years alih2 at the end of the tunnel you macam masuk jalan yang sebenarnya you can cut-off time dari awal..
so kalau rasa macam - ahh takpela hadap jela 5years, taknak jadi Dr nnt i takyah la buat ho-ship..for me, its not that simple..fikir betul2..

- clear pathways
- work in wards, meeting people

- 5years is not short
- high pressure study and working (but its fine if you can adapt well)
- uncertain working duration
- longer further-study duration (minimum another 4years for specialist programme)
- need to worry about paper sangkut2 too during mbbs time


other thing to consider is the financial thingy..both has hugeee difference in terms of kena consider very well before choose <3
yang penting, fikir masak2 before decide..jangan ambik just for the sake of nak sambung study semata2..jauh lagi perjalanan after dah habis think wisely and dont waste your time on things yang tak pasti or painful for you :)

thats all for now..if theres anything to add nanti yanie add lagi..
if ada any other question just comment below..yanie check this blog everyday; and will reply asap insyaAllah <3



 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

sebelum me proceed, for those yang tertanya2,
DMS - Diploma Medical Science
DMA - Diploma Medical Assistant

dah lama nak jawab this question actually..since ramai yang tanya sejak2 wany hasrita cakap dia MA tu..ramai yang interested nak tahu apa beza DMA dengan DMS..

and actually dah pernah jawab longggg ago after i finish my diploma..

to be honest, me pun tak tahu nak jawab macamana sangat..sebab yanie dulu ambik setakat DMS jela yang tahu detail pun..cuma i ada la few friends yang pernah ambik DMA..

dari segi silibus for DMA tu memang terang2 im not really sure as i never been in that course pun..untuk silibus DMS pulak i pernah cerita dalam post sebelum ni..boleh baca sini :)

yang paling ketara rasanya dari segi job scope..DMA memang nampak terus - jadi MA
untuk DMS pulak, for me its more to for those yang memang plan nak sambung study lagi after diploma..sebab DMS for me i tak berapa pasti job scope dia macamana..boleh je ke lab, etc tu but how far tu tak pasti..

i cant say mana better than which :) lagipun i dulu buat DMS kat tempat lain..silibus and exposure dia lain compared to my current uni..

those yang suka kerja in hospital setting, ambik2 darah, buat ward work, nak senang dapat kerja after diploma etc tu mungkin prefer MA..those yang memang plan nak sambung study after diploma, yang tak kisah much about work after diploma tu mungkin can choose DMS..

so mana satu better?
yang tu kena tanya diri sendiri..nak kerja clinically at hospital or more to lab and nak sambung study lagi after this..

tepuk dada, tanya selera :) tanya admin about the difference, cuba baca2 blog or ask anyone yang pernah ambik DMA jugak to ask about the flow etc..insyaAllah nanti dipermudahkan dapat jawapan nak pilih yang mana..


saat iman baru tak lagi diterima

assalamualaikum w.b.t...

pernah tak kita terfikir, betapa Allah itu Maha Pengampun, Maha Menerima taubat hamba-hambaNya..tapi pernah tak terfikir jugak, akan ada satu masa Dia tidak lagi menerima taubat hambaNya..

Abu Dzar r.a. berkata: Ketika aku masuk masjid, Rasulullah saw. sedang duduk, dan ketika terbenam matahari Nabi saw. bersabda: Hai Abu Dzar tahukah engkau kemana matahari itu pergi? 
Jawabku: Allahu warasuluhu a’lam. Maka sabda Nabi saw.: Dia minta izin kepada Tuhan untuk sujud, lalu diizinkan terbit kembali, dan akan tiba masa diperintahkan kepadanya: Kembalilah dari mana engkau datang. Sehingga ia terbit dari barat (tempat terbenamnya). Dan itulah tempatnya. (Bukhari, Muslim).

Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata: Nabi saw. bersabda: 
Tidak akan tiba hari kiamat sehingga matahari terbit dari barat, maka bila matahari telah terbit dari barat, dan orang-orangpun melihatnya, segera mereka beriman semuanya, pada saat itu tidak berguna iman yang baru, jika dahulunya mereka tidak beriman. 
Kemudian Nabi saw. membaca ayat 158 surat Al-An’am: 
“Pada hari tibanya salah satu ayat (bukti) yang telah ditentukan oleh Tuhanmu, maka tidak akan berguna iman yang baru bagi orangnya jika dahulunya mereka tidak beriman“. (Bukhari, Muslim)

acknowledge your feelings

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

memandangkan tak rasa nak sleep lagi sesambil buat notes, tiba2 rasa macam nak share question yg me agak banyak kali dapat..

"how you cope dengan rasa negative? ke memang tak pernah rasa down, rasa negative?"

first thing first, saya pun manusia jugak - of course ada je part rasa down..selalu lagi tu..sama macam orang2 lain jugak..ehe

but how do i cope with the feelings?

jawapan ringkas dia - layankan je :D sebab rasa tu memang sifat dia macamtu..kejap okay kejap tak okay..and hari2 kita pun takdela stagnant on one feeling je kan..mesti ada pasang surut dia..

jawapan panjang dia,
tbh, i always overwork myself..sebab selalu rasa diri sendiri macam incompetent, nothing good..rasa macam kena work 100x harder than if study pun, orang selalu cakap study smart, i tambah study hard sekali for myself haha :D

but one thing that i always remind myself is - nak rasa macam kena work harder tu teruskan long as u know that u are currently thinking that way..pijak pada bumi yang matter how useless u feel u are, how bad the feelings are, get a grip and acknowledge the feelings..makin deny, makin tak jumpa solution, makin tarik diri masuk zone 'down' nanti..

live in reality .

acknowledge rasa that you can find a solution on how to solve it..sebab bila i acknowledge yang "okay, aku tengah tak okay sekarang..tengah penat, tengah rasa useless", so boleh proceed to next step - finding solution..atleast i can ask myself "so nak buat apa sekarang?rasa nak study tak?rasa nak makan dulu ke?or nak tidur dulu?sure eh after buat etc etc tu tak dragged into the negative feelings lagi dah"

lebih kurang simple way, acknowledge so that rasa tu terluahkan..kita tak tolak dalam2 lepastu rasa down, rasa weak sorang2..if makin tolak, makin kita deny untuk cari solution..end up tido je..tapi problem tak settle..then bangun2 je rasa penat sebab physically je tidur, mentally tak rest pun..

and appreciate reward diri sendiri..tak perlu mahal2 or susah2 for me, i selalu reward myself by taking a day off..takdela off day totally..cuma dalam seminggu tu ambik sehari untuk buat kerja less than other2 days..yang selalu stay up sampai 4,5 pagi, kurangkan jadi pukul 11malam..or if selalu fokus buat notes, study sampai berjam2, one day ambik few hours untuk tengok movie or youtube..

bila dah feel better, buat la balik all the routines yang selalu buat tu..sebab myself sendiri tahu - somehow, i chose this way of memang penat macamana pun actually deeeeppp down - i enjoy je..cuma kadang2 je bila penat sangat rasa tu jadi extra enjoy jela rasa penat tu..penat tu lumrah..memang dalam hidup ni akan ada certain2 masa kita rasa macam tertiarap rapat ke bumi..jangan ignore rasa tu..cuma jangan stay situ lama2 jugak..kesian diri sendiri..

but if the stress or the negative feelings come from something yang me memang tak suka, then cari la jalan to solve/ stop the flow..sebabtu kena acknowledge dulu your feelings..selagi tipu diri sendiri selagi tu sendiri tak boleh nak create solution..apatah lagi orang lain..

**these are just sharing on how me coping with my negative feelings..lain orang lain cara, find yours :) just make sure that you somehow teach yourself on how to find way out of the feelings..jangan stay in the feelings lama2..tak healthy :)


MBBS: entering year 4 (what to prepare)

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

long time no see..dah lama tak share something related to study in today rasa macam nak share something 

for year 3, mungkin a lot of things need to be prepared sebab baru nak kenal dengan clinical years..but for year 4 actually nothing much pun..sebab mostly kita dah prepare waktu pre clinical & year 3..cuma untuk each posting tu kena prepare barang2 dia jela sesikit..

me sharing these ikut my experience - as a pandemic macam a bit different from previous2 batch..

as usual, we all begin dengan theory class - online..

before kita go one by one, let me list out all the postings in year 4 (in msu)..
year 4 ada plus minus 10 postings..

1) Elective posting
2) Community Medicine
3) Primary Care
4) Specialty posting 1 (forensic, ENT, ophthalmology)
5) Specialty posting 2 (radiology, anaest, ortho)
6) Psychiatry

sequence dia macam biasa - ikut batch..actually kalau ikutkan pengalaman seniors, the sequence untuk year 4 macam pening sikit..sebab dorg akan divide class into half, and both half akan pergi different posting..
but due to pandemic, so dorang selaraskan je semua satu batch..means everyone akan pergi ikut sequence posting yang sama..cuma giliran ke hospital je berbeza..

and another difference is, selalunya elective posting will be at the enddddd of the year..tapi for us, kitorang begin dengan elective posting..and supposedly elective posting can choose to be any posting..tapi for us cannot..memang kena buat research as choice..

back to original point, what to prepare for year 4? whitecoat memang wajib la kan..sini yanie letak barang2 basic yang perlu ada..and penting..yang nak add tu boleh add later..

1) Elective Posting (research)
- laptop with hugeee storage, big ram..sebab nanti kena pakai spss..and read lotssss of possibility untuk laptop tu hang tinggi..
- money (in case kena print questionnaire)

--> for elective posting, as kitorg kena buat research, so memang most of the time baca articles, do discussions and do research jela..pernah hadap research before this pun still sakit kepala jugak nak hadap once again..eheh
--> stress level: ****

2)Community Medicine
- sama jugak dengan elective posting..sebab commed ni pun buat research jugak..penat dia jela yang different pun..
- stress level: ***

3)Primary Care
- stethoscope (tak perlu beli baru, pakai yang dah ada je..tapi kena ada sendiri punya la senang)
- BP set (sebab nanti if pergi ward better bawak sendiri..beli yang aneroid je..kat kamal bookstore baru RM80 one set)
- pentorch (ni pun actually semua orang supposedly dah ada)
- stress level: ***

4)Specialty Posting 1
- metal tongue depressor (rm10)
- thudicum nasal speculum (rm20)
- otoscope (rm200-rm500)

**BUT dont worry, if tak mampu, otoscope tu tak perlu beli lagi pun takpe..cuma if mampu boleh beli siap2..

- ophthalmoscope (rm200-rm500)
- pentorch
- neurokit (if nak beli baru - rm8-rm16)

- kecekalan :D basically untuk forensic no need to prepare any apparatus pun..cuma kena kental sikit sebab nanti nak kena stay kat bilik mayat for atleast a day long untuk buat autopsy..kena prepare mental for the bau..

overall stress level: ***

5)Specialty Posting 2
- no need to prepare apa2 sangat..just prepare diri je..sebab nanti film tu Dr yang tunjuk..
- buku? takde apa sangat jugak..pakai slides Dr, dengar lecture dah enough actually

- pun takde apa2 sangat to prepare..just stetoscope jela..tu pun tak pakai sangat..later kat hospital pun kita masuk OT pakai scrubs, bawak logbook je..
- scrubs tak perlu sendiri punya - nanti pakai yang kat hospital :)

- neurokit
- tendon hammer

overall stress level: ***

6)Psychiatry Posting
- lagi takde apa2 to prepare..kena prepare mental jela kot extra sikit 🥰
- psychiatry actually fun untuk those yang minat..

stress level: **


if ada anything yanie boleh tambah later yanie tambah..if anyone ada soalan sila2 la comment kat bawah..insyaAllah yanie reply :)


take your time; believe in yourself

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

i just wanna share this with u..

"kadang kita bukan tak mampu to handle certain things/situation..tapi kita cuma belum fully discover our own capability..which might be buried by certain previous story..its okay..take ur time..u will found it someday..just keep believing urself more than u actually able to do more than u think u could ❤"


Be kind . With brain

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

"to be kind and not having much 'great' takdir or be not-so-kind tapi with so 'cool' journey"

berusahalah menjadi orang baik . dan bijak .

mungkin menjadi orang baik tidak membawa kamu ke satu titik 'kejayaan' secara cepat..bahkan mungkin membuatkan kamu jeda pada satu2 titik untuk tempoh yg lama..tapi setidaknya, orang2 yg baik takkan menyesali masa lalunya ☺


be kind . with brain

maybe kindness not making u reach ur 'success' point faster..or even worse, might make u stop at one place for a longer time before ur next move..but atleast, kind person will never regret their past..

so, be kind ☺


to love or to be loved?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

i ever been asked by someone about these..few times..
Q - to care or to be taken care? to love or to be loved?
my A - cannot pour from an empty, you need to take care of yourself first before taking care of yourself before u love others ❤ so that u will place it at the right person..and receive the same..
macamana nak memberi sedang kita pun ternanti untuk menerima kan?
Q - why?and how?
my A - if you not loving yourself first, you will question every love that u give/share with will always think that its unfair for you to just giving without getting it back..kesian la diri sendiri know your that you will not care for wrong person ❤
learn on appreciating and loving yourself first before you start loving others..
tak salah untuk sentiasa dahulukan orang lain..but never forget yourself..after all, you the one that deserve your love the most; the one that will hug you silently when people turn their back on, love yourself first :)
hari2, cuba say thankyou kat diri sendiri..cuba appreciate and say that you did a great job everyday..
by loving yourself only then you will not hesitate to pour your love onto others :)
dan loving yourself tak menidakkan perasaan orang lain..loving yourself tak bermaksud membenarkan orang lain still can love yourself without hurting others :) love yourself, at the same time - respect others :)

after all, your mental health deserve your attention too right? its not worth it for you to sacrifice your mental health for the sake of others :)

appreciate little things

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

sedar tak sedar, ramadhan dah berganti syawal..kejap sangat masa berlalu kan..kadang kita lupa untuk appreciate apa yang kita tengah lalui sampaila satu masa, moment ni berlalu pergi..waktu tu, hanya kenangan yang masih utuh dalam kotak memori..

ramadhan dan syawal kali ni menjentik satu lagi rasa menghargai for me..

ramadhan yang seharusnya 'sebulan' terasa hanya beberapa minggu..sampai di malam terakhir, bila diumum tarikh 1 syawal, dan takbir bergema, diri sendiri tertanya - eh, ramadhan dah habis? mana nikmat malam2 ramadhan? kenapa macam sepi je? mana nikmat mencari lailatulqadar tu? mana nikmat menghargai setiap detik dalam bulan ramadhan?

dan soalan2 tu membuatkan diri sendiri tertanya - cukupkah amalan sepanjang ramadhan? kenapa tiba2 rasa kosong? kenapa macam takde apa2?
tbh, those feelings in a sum is a sad thing indirectly..

mungkin terlampau sibuk memikirkan kegusaran dunia, sampai lupa untuk fokus nikmati dan tuai sebanyaknya untuk akhirat..sampai satu masa, bila Allah jentik balik jiwa, baru kalbu tersedar..jauh sangat rasa diri ni..

dan bila syawal tiba, kita nikmati hanya seketika..selebihnya berlalu seperti hari biasa..sibuk pada dunia pun kembali seperti biasa..tahu2 dah menginjak ke syawal ke lima..dan dalam beberapa hari lagi, semuanya kembali seperti hari2 sebelum..sibuk dengan tanggungjawab dunia..

selagi ada rasa untuk menghargai, hargailah setiap detik..selagi ada waktu untuk disyukuri, syukurilah setiap nikmat..
sebab kita semua takkan pernah tahu, berapa lama masa yang kita ada untuk menghargai dan mensyukuri..

moga kita semua dipertemukan dengan ramadhan seterusnya <3

Selamat Hari Raya!


clinical weeks in klinik kesihatan (KK)

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

after 2 years of pandemic, then in the early 2022 kitorang berkesempatan untuk pergi klinik kesihatan for our primary care posting..that was the first clinical exposure for our mbbs journey..

KK mana?
- tak boleh reveal kot (i choose not to..yang mana tahu tu tahu la..hee)

how many weeks?
- 4weeks in total..tapi takdela fully 24/ we kena gilir2 (sebab they only allowed 20 students only in a day - and perlu divide into small2 group for each department somemore)

sepanjang clinical weeks tu okay la, not really smooth tapi alhamdulillah, manageable..

what to do in KK?
- penuhkan logbookk! hee.. di samping timba ilmu banyak2..

how to survive?
- macam biasa, ikut surviving skills masing2..but insyaAllah everything gonna be okay ajaa..
- awal2 ofcourse rasa macam semua serba baru, semua serba tak terkejar..but after day 1 tu insyaAllah dah boleh keep up dah..

cuma SOP memang kena jaga la kan..kita tengah peralihan ke endemik, bukan endemik precaution tu kena sentiasa ada..

how the 'pandemic procedure'?
- kena pakai mask, face shield (wajib)
- PPE ikut department assigned

basically sama je rasanya dengan sebelum pandemik..just extra precaution jela..dari segi jumpa patient semua tu sama history taking, clerk cases etc..

jangan lupa cari case for CWU too <3

Drs garang tak?senang bagi cop tak?
- soalan ni banyak jugak yang tanya..for me, Drs smua okay je..and ada few yang baikkkkkkk sangat..siap ajar satu2, bg cop etc..moga Allah murahkan lagi rezeki Drs yang baik2 tu..

- untuk clerking, datang awal, clerk sebanyak case yang mampu..kt area OPD memang everyday ramai..clerk ramai2 tak rugi pun..atleast waktu CP takdela gelabah if Dr tiba2 mintak extra case to be presented :)
- untuk CWU, cari potential pt, follow sampai habis (ambik ubat)
- untuk procedures, tagging je dengan nurses/ Drs/ MAs..

**macam biasa, if ada nak tanya anything just drop comment kat bawah :) yang tak berkait dengan mbbs pun boleh je nak tanya..if yanie tahu yanie hari2 bukak blog ni insyaAllah..update je kadang2..ikut free time..hee


lirik lagu: lembaran juzuk cinta

assalamualaikum w.b.t...

lama betul tak share lirik lagu..
this one tak lama sangat pun..but apa2 pun, i love the song ❤

Tuhan aku tak punya kudrat
Bila dia mendatangiku
Hanya padamu kan ku tambat
Pelihara hatiku

Bisikannya terus ke jantung
Seolah mengalir dalam darah
Kadang membuatku termenung
Kerana memikirkannya

Lembaran juzuk cinta
Di sebaliknya ada tersimpan sejuta rahsia
Sebuah kesucian tak tercemar noda
Bimbang aku akan tercoret warna dosa

Lembaran juzuk cinta
Sememangnya aku ingin terus menatapnya
Merasai setiap halaman cerita
Tapi maaf kerana ku belum bersedia

Tuhan aku tak punya kudrat
Bila dia mendatangiku
Hanya padamu kan ku tambat
Pelihara hatiku, oh-woo

Lembaran juzuk cinta
Di sebaliknya ada tersimpan sejuta rahsia
Sebuah kesucian tak tercemar noda
Bimbang aku akan tercoret warna dosa

Lembaran juzuk cinta
Sememangnya aku ingin terus menatapnya
Merasai setiap halaman cerita
Tapi maaf kerana ku belum bersedia 

Ku belum bersedia
Bisikannya terus ke jantung
Seolah mengalir dalam darah

Lembaran juzuk cinta
Di sebaliknya ada tersimpan sejuta rahsia
Sebuah kesucian tak tercemar noda
Bimbang aku akan tercoret warna dosa

Lembaran juzuk cinta
Sememangnya aku ingin terus menatapnya
Merasai setiap halaman cerita
Tapi maaf kerana ku belum bersedia


banjir 2021 (total cost)

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

a few people asking about the cost of the damage that i got from the flood last time..actually, tbh im not really sure about total of everything..cuma, i tahu amount untuk towing tu je..sebab yang tu me deal direct so tahu la harga dia..

for towing around RM2k macamtu..towing from basement parking till pusat service tak silap..i tak ingat bayar dua kali asing or what..ingat total je around 2k plus minus..

how about the car?
- lepas dah settle sampai ke service centre tu me tak follow up closely pun..mostly abah and mybro yang uruskan memandangkan hantar kereta tu pun kat service centre around rumah mybro..

how is the car now?
- now alhamdulillah dah siap cuci..tinggal nak betulkan certain part and go on thorough checking je lagi..

enjin macamana?
- enjin pun alhamdulillah selamat, boleh pakai lagi..

kenapa lambat sangat proses?
- sebab banyak sangat kereta terlibat kena Q..

the only thing me (as someone yang tak tahu sangat about kereta) hope, the bau tak terlalu berbeza..i nak nanges betul bila umi cakap bau kereta dah unpleasant..haha

tahu je the facts yang memang bau tu confirm2 akan berubah - takde bau kereta baru etc..tapi tulatu..nak kena work hard to get rid of those bau after this..

but overall alhamdulillah everything dipermudahkan..

anyone ada tips untuk hilangkan bau air lumpur from car?


expectation vs reality

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

pernah tak rasa kecewa sebab apa yang kita expect dapat, tak dapat?

ofcourse pernah kan..everyone pun ada dorg punya expectation on everything they going through..

sama la macam yanie..

tipu la hari2 hadap everything without any expectation of better result..ada je expectation..but not all expectation tu betul2 dapat kan..

"so how to handle the situation bila berlaku something yang against our expectation? expect dapat A, tapi dapat B..padahal dah work hard dah"

for me, everytime that 'rasa kecewa' datang, cepat2 tepuk bahu sendiri..bagitau diri sendiri soal rezeki..we not in the place to question about rezeki..

mungkin pada kita, kita dah give all out..but pada perancangan Allah, rezeki kita takat tu je untuk yang tu..maka, pujuk diri untuk terima that rezeki..jangan pulak question or compare rezeki orang..

ulang ayat ni banyak2 kali..

"wa'uwawwidhuamrii ilallah.. innaAllaha basyirum bil 'ibad"

maksudnya: ..dan aku sentiasa menyerahkan urusanku bulat2 kepada Allah (untuk memeliharaku); sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melihat akan keadaan hamba-hambaNya

tak mudah, tapi cuba la ❤🤗


banjir 2021 (part 7) - final part

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

on day 10, we went to file a police report..actually macam tak perlu pun, tapi pihak management mintak police report if nak we pergi jela memandangkan kami pun takde class, and tak perlu pergi hospital on that day..

before ke balai polis, my friend's cousin datang to see the car's kitorang pun ikut la turun skali (plus together with the guard)..

the feelings bila tengok our car yang dah terbukak bonet, with all the chaotic all around? i dont know..its hard to describe..dia macam heartbroken but redha and thankful skali as its not worse than what we imagine..tapi still la heartbroken..

gambar kereta waktu tengok tu takde ke?

adaa..but biarlah ia kekal dalam album kenangan..hee

lepas tengok car tu terus ke balai polis buat report..encik polis pun tanya - eh, dah 10 hari tenggelam, pihak management tak buat apa2 ke? 

ntahla tuan..kami pun tak tahu nak cakap macamana dah..redha level 99 dah..

last time pergi balai polis was back in 2015 waktu rumah sewa kena pecah masuk..this time for the other reason pulak..

on the same day jugak - we got to go somewhere sebab ada urusan yang takleh dielakkan, and on the same day too, abang tu nak towing kereta naik..

everything in the same day..

but alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan cut story short, our car selamat di-tow ke depan condo on the same day..atleast takdela risau..step pertama dah settle..then next 2 days the car was towed to Service Centre..alhamdulillah..

there's a lot of things that can be collected through these..banyak sangat..Allah nak suruh muhasabah diri banyak2 lagi tu..Dia boleh bagi rezeki, nikmat in a blink of eyes..tapi boleh tarik dalam sekelip mata too..kena belajar how to be humble lagi ni..

moga ujian yang kita semua hadap jadi pengajaran and jadi stepping stone untuk kita become a better muslim..bukan untuk tambah reason questioning everything..

bila kita letakkan keyakinan tu pada Dia, insyaAllah the hardest thing in this world pun kita mampu hadap, dengan bantuan Dia..insyaAllah..

- the only thing i can keep with me after the car sent to service centre -


banjir 2021 (part 6)

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

after the pumping process begin, we decided to go back to our house sebab senang nak monitor and look for the progression..

and another climbing up stairs for both of us..

we both gilir2 naik turun bawak our stuff as we cannot bring all of our stuffs in one-go..its a good workout after all..haha

and day 8 after our car tenggelam, my friend's cousin came to see the condition..sebab nak kena ukur tinggi and lebar parking area tu untuk arrange the towing truck etc..

we want to make it fast tapi pihak pumping not yet done with their job so kena tunggu another few days baru boleh nak towing..

so in between tu we arrange apa2 yang patut jela..all the surat for management office, all surat needed for police repsort, to claim insurance etc..

its a good life-training as we need to manage the time to handle these things and to pegi hospital etc..

stressful but Allah is always there for us, insyaAllah..


banjir 2021 (part 5)

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

after few days coming back to our house, water supply tiba2 cut off cut story short, we tumpang rumah my another classmate..

at that point, i cant thank Allah enough sebab hadirkan soooo ramai beautiful souls around me, alhamdulillah T.T

my friend and her family sooo baik! tbh they the one yang offer the place for us..i still remember the struggle of climbing 14 level's stairs everyday naik turun sebab pergi hospital at 6am, balik 6pm.. everyday was a chaos for my muscles..

dahla stay kat rumah dorg, those family pulak siap bagi makan, belanja makan etc..i cant thank enough..just mampu doa je moga Allah limpahkan rezeki to them nonstop..

and sepanjang stay at my friend's house tu pun, everyday we went back to our condo to check the progression of our cars..

and in day 5 of submersion, finallyyyyy dorang bawak pump truck to sedut air from parking area tu..alhamdulillah..

"why lambat sangat nak pump out?" 
- sebab alasan dorang all the bomba and pump truck went to Kuala Muda (?) sebab situ lagi takde yang available to come to our condo..

we not expert in these field so we just follow jela..

and by day 8 the progression dah okay sikit..and kitorang dapat contact sepupu my housemate for towing procedure after siap sedut later..


banjir 2021 (part 4)

assalamualaikum w.b.t...

we stay at our friend's house for few days..dengan harapan electricity at home come back lagi cepat..but nope..after few days pun belum settle..

but we tak selesa nak stay lama2 kat rumah orang once the water supply coming back, kitorang balik..

we went to the parking area siang malam to see the progression, but hari2 hampa..

even if water supply kat our home still not okay much tapi kitorang balik jugak..and we ask one of our housemate untuk balik kg memandangkan dia takde physical class yet and things not getting better yet..its better for her to be at home daripada stress with all these situation..and she went back, alhamdulillah..

me and my other housemate still staying in our house with limited water supply as me still need to go to hospital for clinical class and my housemate need to go to campus for her CSL..

we climbed 22tingkat with 5+4 big bags naik turun back and forth dari rumah our friend to our house..the exhaustion, still bearable insyaAllah..


banjir 2021 (part 3)

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

life must go on..tipula if cakap tak risau dengan kereta tu kan..but nothing we can do much..

"dah tanya management?" dah

but management pun cannot do much..

esoknya lagi (day 3), kitorang turun to see the parking condition....

basically tu dah day 2 our car submerged bawah tu..waktu tengah tengok the stagnant water tu terjumpa dengan other tenant yang tengah tengok jugak..and dia share his experience too..

after half an hour kitorang naik again as nothing we can do jugak by being there pun..

tengah hari that day our gadgets semua dah hampir mati sebab dah 2 hari takde i call my friend yang stay at condo sebelah to ask to pinjam charger to charge our gadgets sebab situ elektrik still tak terjejas.. 

and she so baik siap offer tidur sana lagi as our condo's punya tangki air pun dah hampir shutdown sebab no electricity..alhamdulillah sangat2! so i ajak my other housemates skali..

we pack as much as we can sebab tak larat nak naik turun 14 tingkat ambik barang..

walking on dry street make it heartbroken 2.0 as we teringat our car still dalam air kat tempat parking tu..but still, alhamdulillah as the water is not that muddy, not that worse..


banjir 2021 (part 2)

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

so, after kitorang dah tengok the condition, about half an hour baru macam menapak naik rumah balik..still blurr on the facts..

mungkin lain orang lain la penerimaan dia..for some people maybe our reaction to the situation tu macam over ke apa..but whatever, its how we first accept the facts..

just 10 mins gap to get that long-term damage..kitorang literally park our car 10mins ago..

but things happened..Allah nak tunjuk betapa dunia ni kelip mata kejap je pun dah boleh jangan nak berlagak sangat kat dunia ni..

disebabkan nothing we can do, so both of us pun naik ke rumah back..

and about 10 sec after reaching home, dapat whatsapp from agent that electricity will be cut off in few mins as air still masuk n nak naik ke level lagi atas dah..but tak sempat habis baca tiba2 electricity dah kena cut off..

phone tak sempat charge and battery tinggal 15% je lagi..
but its not the time to worry..its time to cari, charge phone using my laptop..fortunately laptop yang along hadiahkan early this year ni jenis yang can stand without continuous charging for dia ada simpanan tenaga lagi to share with my phone..

waktu tu dah we just continue mandi, solat etc..malam tu tidur bertemankan lampu hiasan yang my roomate ada beli longgg time ago..alhamdulillah..

all 3 of us cannot really sleep that call umiabah macam biasa..tbh my feelings begin to pooling back again bila cakap dengan umiabah..but abah said dont worry too much..Dia yang takdirkan everything..later bila kita buntu, Dia jugak yang akan tunjuk jalan..mungkin this one is His way to 'clean' our rezeki..and to give rezeki to others later..

i feel wrong..terribly..but listening to umiabah's words, i calmed down a bit..

at 10pm, i tengok luar tingkap..and the highway already become a sea..with two stranded trucks..

malamtu about 2am, hujan lebat betul sekali dengan kilat and guruh..and all of us terjaga sebab risau..electric still takde..esok still got kena tidur awal..maka kitorang paksa jugak tidur..

and esoknya bangun, make air milo with air kosong je sebab electric still takde :D but still attend the class, alhamdulillah..


banjir 2021 (part 1)

 assalmaualaikum w.b.t

so today nak share pengalaman sendiri terlibat dengan banjir in Shah Alam last time..banjir tu in December 2021, but tbh, diri sendiri pun baru belajar terima untuk share cerita baru nak share what to do etc :D plus baru betul2 ada masa to share..

in December 2021, Shah Alam involved in one of the most 'unexpected' flood kan..2days of the nonstop rain tu kitorang yang stay at condo ni memang everyday tengok air makin naik kat highway depan rumah..but kereta still boleh lalu la..and that thing actually kinda 'biasa' sebab Shah Alam ni hujan nonstop je mesti ada banjir kilat..later dia surut sendiri jugak..

sampai la hari kejadian.......

on the day yang me takkan lupa tu, pagi tu macam biasa kitorang bangun, attend online class etc..then about tengah hari macamtu i ajak my housemate nak pergi beli barang2 kat kitorang pun pergi la aeon to topup our 'banjir stocks'..

before that, area rumah kitorang tak pernah banjir..if ada naik air pun takat tapak kaki je..tak pernah banjir..4years staying here memang paling teruk pun area depan je naik air sikit..never masuk dalam parking etc..

but on that day, bila dah selesai beli groceries, kitorang pun gerak balik (i drove my car)..and waktu tu sangat2 congested (the road) we macam - eh, kenapa tiba2 congested hujan lagi..but after half hour in the congested road, we managed to cross the road to our house..

waktu sampai area depan tu (before masuk parking), jalan still clear..nothing worrisome to expect pun..then dah parking, kitorang naik..and tengok luar tingkap - highway depan rumah dah tenggelam! patutla congested..

then after about 10mins tiba2 ada classmate yang stay in the same apartment (but diff rumah) whatsapp, asking about parking me pun cakap la - tadi okay je, yanie baru je park kereta..and she said - nooo yanie..tak okay, pihak pengurusan cakap if ada siren means air dah masuk parking area!

waktu tu sumpah rasa gelap kejap babycar kat level parking bawahh! T.T

about 2mins after the conversation, baru bukak tudung tiba2 siren condo ni bunyi..i terus ketuk pintu bilik my housemate, ajak turun..tengah kalut2 nk kunci grill then our neighbour datang tanya kitorang nak gi we said nak gi tengok kereta..

"oh, takboleh turun now..air dah masuk full parking area..this siren means lif pun takboleh pakai"

to cut story short, kitorang turun jugak..pakai tangga..
risau punya pasal kan..

and bila dah turun, memang air tu dah sampai level LG dah..and our cars is level B2 (lagi bawah)

at that time, Dia je tahu heartbroken tu macamana..arus deras sangat2 that time..

my housemate? dia tengah cry at that time..sebab kereta dia level lagi bawah dari mine..

me nak cry..tapi heartbroken waktu tu tak mampu nak cry dah..mampu doa je..

kitorang punya speechless tu sampai tak terfikirkan pun the risk of getting electric shock sebab berdiri kat dalam air tu lama2..not even thinking about kena sweep dengan arus tu pun..


tentang dendam

assalamualaikum w.b.t...

"how to be redha with apa yang orang dah buat kat kita? sedangkan dia takde rasa bersalah pun.."

"sebab hidup kita semua bawah aturan Dia kan? so either good or less comfortable, tu pun aturan Dia..and kita beriman dengan qada' qadar Dia, isnt it?"

"tapi still, memaafkan tu tak mudah"

"kita pun nak Allah maafkan dosa2 kita tak kira yang sedar atau tidak kan? so, how can we be so selfish tak maafkan manusia lain sedangkan kita pun nak Allah ampunkan dosa2, what will we get dengan berdendam? will we be happy? satisfied?" :)


dendam tu macam buah yang dah tak elok..cuba awak bawa kemana2 buah yang tak elok days dia akan makin busuk kan, bukan makin elok..lama2 dia akan create more harm than goods..

so instead of bawak 'buah' yang tak elok tu, why not benam dia dalam2..and jalan ke depan tanpa bawak that 'buah' ☺

ada benda yang kita rasa marah, kita rasa geram..tapi tak semua benda kita perlu simpan sebagai dendam..untuk ambik sebagai pengajaran tak semestinya kita bawak skali dendam..cukuplah kita petik mana2 pengajaran yang perlu..yang tak perlu tu tinggalkan..

as this life memang ada pasang surut, terang suram dia..tapi semuanya sentiasa dalam aturan apa pengalaman pahit yang awak lalu tu pun, one of His plan..pahit untuk hari ini, tapi punya pengajaran yang mungkin awak tak nampak untuk bertahun lamanya..

to be angry is okay , but to stay in the dark, holding the grudge, is not ☺

"Dan janganlah orang-orang yang mempunyai kelebihan dan kelapangan di antara kamu bersumpah bahwa mereka (tidak) akan memberi (bantuan) kepada kerabat(nya), orang-orang miskin dan orang-orang yang berhijrah di jalan Allah, dan hendaklah mereka memaafkan dan berlapang dada. Apakah kamu tidak suka bahwa Allah mengampunimu? Dan Allah Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang" - anNur (22)


tipsy turvy but blessed insyaAllah

assalamualaikum w.b.t...

Alhamdulillah..pejam celik pejam celik dah di 2022 :)

2021 might not be the best year..too much things piling up..too much emotions involved..but those might be the best according to His might be tough, it might be rough..but He always there, making me better than who i am yesterday..wiser a step ahead than few days back..Allah wants me to end this year being stronger than before, insyaAllah ❤

perancangan Allah sentiasa lebih baik dari pengharapan kita..mungkin nampak tak seindah mimpi2 kita untuk hari ini, tapi lebih banyak yang indah2 tersedia untuk hari esok, insyaAllah ❤

and you too, went through so much struggle that u never tell anybody right? its okay..things gonna be sorted out too..cry if u want..cry a river..and swim out of it..He knows u deserve more than what u dreamt of..and u will get it, when the right time come..if belum di dunia, di syurga nanti, insyaAllah ❤

its hard and heavy for us to look at our own plate..but its harder for us if we given what He gave on other's plate :) sebab Allah uji pada yang mampu..dari segi kesusahan mahupun nikmat ❤

may He ease everything for me, u and everyone di dunia ni.. moga setiap yang berlaku menjadi asbab bertambah keimanan, insyaAllah ❤

"kemuncak kemurkaan Allah adalah apabila Dia tak lagi mmberikan ujian pada hamba2Nya"
