acknowledge your feelings

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

memandangkan tak rasa nak sleep lagi sesambil buat notes, tiba2 rasa macam nak share question yg me agak banyak kali dapat..

"how you cope dengan rasa negative? ke memang tak pernah rasa down, rasa negative?"

first thing first, saya pun manusia jugak - of course ada je part rasa down..selalu lagi tu..sama macam orang2 lain jugak..ehe

but how do i cope with the feelings?

jawapan ringkas dia - layankan je :D sebab rasa tu memang sifat dia macamtu..kejap okay kejap tak okay..and hari2 kita pun takdela stagnant on one feeling je kan..mesti ada pasang surut dia..

jawapan panjang dia,
tbh, i always overwork myself..sebab selalu rasa diri sendiri macam incompetent, nothing good..rasa macam kena work 100x harder than if study pun, orang selalu cakap study smart, i tambah study hard sekali for myself haha :D

but one thing that i always remind myself is - nak rasa macam kena work harder tu teruskan long as u know that u are currently thinking that way..pijak pada bumi yang matter how useless u feel u are, how bad the feelings are, get a grip and acknowledge the feelings..makin deny, makin tak jumpa solution, makin tarik diri masuk zone 'down' nanti..

live in reality .

acknowledge rasa that you can find a solution on how to solve it..sebab bila i acknowledge yang "okay, aku tengah tak okay sekarang..tengah penat, tengah rasa useless", so boleh proceed to next step - finding solution..atleast i can ask myself "so nak buat apa sekarang?rasa nak study tak?rasa nak makan dulu ke?or nak tidur dulu?sure eh after buat etc etc tu tak dragged into the negative feelings lagi dah"

lebih kurang simple way, acknowledge so that rasa tu terluahkan..kita tak tolak dalam2 lepastu rasa down, rasa weak sorang2..if makin tolak, makin kita deny untuk cari solution..end up tido je..tapi problem tak settle..then bangun2 je rasa penat sebab physically je tidur, mentally tak rest pun..

and appreciate reward diri sendiri..tak perlu mahal2 or susah2 for me, i selalu reward myself by taking a day off..takdela off day totally..cuma dalam seminggu tu ambik sehari untuk buat kerja less than other2 days..yang selalu stay up sampai 4,5 pagi, kurangkan jadi pukul 11malam..or if selalu fokus buat notes, study sampai berjam2, one day ambik few hours untuk tengok movie or youtube..

bila dah feel better, buat la balik all the routines yang selalu buat tu..sebab myself sendiri tahu - somehow, i chose this way of memang penat macamana pun actually deeeeppp down - i enjoy je..cuma kadang2 je bila penat sangat rasa tu jadi extra enjoy jela rasa penat tu..penat tu lumrah..memang dalam hidup ni akan ada certain2 masa kita rasa macam tertiarap rapat ke bumi..jangan ignore rasa tu..cuma jangan stay situ lama2 jugak..kesian diri sendiri..

but if the stress or the negative feelings come from something yang me memang tak suka, then cari la jalan to solve/ stop the flow..sebabtu kena acknowledge dulu your feelings..selagi tipu diri sendiri selagi tu sendiri tak boleh nak create solution..apatah lagi orang lain..

**these are just sharing on how me coping with my negative feelings..lain orang lain cara, find yours :) just make sure that you somehow teach yourself on how to find way out of the feelings..jangan stay in the feelings lama2..tak healthy :)


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