banjir 2021 (part 2)

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

so, after kitorang dah tengok the condition, about half an hour baru macam menapak naik rumah balik..still blurr on the facts..

mungkin lain orang lain la penerimaan dia..for some people maybe our reaction to the situation tu macam over ke apa..but whatever, its how we first accept the facts..

just 10 mins gap to get that long-term damage..kitorang literally park our car 10mins ago..

but things happened..Allah nak tunjuk betapa dunia ni kelip mata kejap je pun dah boleh jangan nak berlagak sangat kat dunia ni..

disebabkan nothing we can do, so both of us pun naik ke rumah back..

and about 10 sec after reaching home, dapat whatsapp from agent that electricity will be cut off in few mins as air still masuk n nak naik ke level lagi atas dah..but tak sempat habis baca tiba2 electricity dah kena cut off..

phone tak sempat charge and battery tinggal 15% je lagi..
but its not the time to worry..its time to cari, charge phone using my laptop..fortunately laptop yang along hadiahkan early this year ni jenis yang can stand without continuous charging for dia ada simpanan tenaga lagi to share with my phone..

waktu tu dah we just continue mandi, solat etc..malam tu tidur bertemankan lampu hiasan yang my roomate ada beli longgg time ago..alhamdulillah..

all 3 of us cannot really sleep that call umiabah macam biasa..tbh my feelings begin to pooling back again bila cakap dengan umiabah..but abah said dont worry too much..Dia yang takdirkan everything..later bila kita buntu, Dia jugak yang akan tunjuk jalan..mungkin this one is His way to 'clean' our rezeki..and to give rezeki to others later..

i feel wrong..terribly..but listening to umiabah's words, i calmed down a bit..

at 10pm, i tengok luar tingkap..and the highway already become a sea..with two stranded trucks..

malamtu about 2am, hujan lebat betul sekali dengan kilat and guruh..and all of us terjaga sebab risau..electric still takde..esok still got kena tidur awal..maka kitorang paksa jugak tidur..

and esoknya bangun, make air milo with air kosong je sebab electric still takde :D but still attend the class, alhamdulillah..


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