things to know before beginning medschool

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

disclaimer: this is all from my POV only :)
some had been asking me about important things to know before entering medical school..these are my opinions and my pov based on my experiences..maybe different people have different voices to say..

if you have different things to share you can list out below in the comments box :)

so, lets begin...

1) study skills
- maybe the name 'medicine' synonyms with the word 'study'..but study is a huge word..not everyone have the same study, find your own..jangan ikut orang :) 
- some students might love to study in groups - having discussions etc..but some find it better to study alone..either one is good as long as you comfortable :)
- stick to your style unless you find the need of changing the style (for the better) :)
- but if you have friends that have different study styles dont let it affect your friendship :)
2) its okay to not know everything
- some might thought that medical students need to know its not..take your at a time is okay..
- its okay to ask any questions (even if you find it kinda silly) .. remember - no question is a silly question

3) never compare yourself with others
- never ever compare yourself dengan classmates or anyone pun..nak ambik sikit2 yang mana baik dari others is okay..tapi jangan sampai you down-kan diri sendiri..
- everyone ada pace sendiri..if someone study harini, harini jugak ingat, and you tak macamtu, its have your own time..
- if someone study kena ada study group, but you takleh absorb by study group, sendiri :)

4) its okay to ask for help
- if you think that you need to ask someone to help you in study, its okay to ask anyone to help you out with that..but choose the one that you comfortable with..not necessarily from your circle :)

5) stress come from the exam; not the study, prepare everyday
- the most stressful things in medical school as for me is is not that stressful..until you get the date for the exam; then you realized you know nothing :D so, at least read something everyday :)

6) there's a LOT of helpful apps in playstore that can be downloaded to help in your study
- Amboss
- Mednotes
- Medscape
- Teach Me Anatomy
- MSD Manual
- .......and so many more
7) to stay is harder than entering
- being accepted into medical school is just the beginning..medical school can be need to polish yourself everyday, self-motivate yourself to stay in the line :) 
8) medical school needs LOTs of money
- not just the fees is huge amount..but in between the years also will demand you a huge amount of will need to buy all the equipments on your own, all the activities also need to be paid on your own..
- taking medicine is kinda like having expensive hobby :D
**me include this point here as i think kadang people mislook at this one..bukan nak cakap kena jadi kaya baru boleh ambik medic..just be prepared..takdela nanti tekejut tiba2 kena beli itu ini which cost u a lot every time :)

9) medicine not for those with no passion
 - maybe most of the people thought that you just need a genius brain to enter medical school - then it all set..nope..medical school isn't for the brilliant one only..
- if you enter medical school only based on your academic result without any passion, you will just torture yourself..and soon to torture the patients..
- what more important is to have interest, to have passion in this profession..this one is huge enough to help you surviving medical school :)

- yes..medicine is all about luck after dah masuk nanti..why? sebab you need to learn everything from A-Z, yang masuk exam QRS je..
- dia macam, you baca la semua benda pun, kadang benda yang you focus tu tak masuk langsung or masuk sipi2, yang tak focus sangat tu pulak yang masuk for highest marks..and that topic je yang kawan you betul2 focus..maka bila dalam exam, you tak dapat jawab, dia dpt jawab..grade akan side to kawan you la yeah..begitulah..
- and another about luck is, waktu clinical exam..if you 'lucky' enough and dapat examiner yang strict, then the 'luck'is on you..
- so, if you belum apply for medschool, still hesitate etc, fikir btul33333 dulu before apply..if you already begin or in the middle of medschool, dont be is unfair to feel that, but, its gonna pass <3
- cuma janganla pulak all the time nak blame the luck..perlu study tu memang perlu la kan..tak study jangan la pulak expect all on luck jugak :D

**may these sharing give a little help for those who still doubting on to-enter or not-to-enter medical school :)


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