entering year 5 - what to prepare

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

masyaAllahh lamaa betul tak menulis sini..
long time no see..hee..so today kita sambung again my long-lost entry..dah lama tulis draft dia tapi tak sambung2 lagi..

for year 5, basically barang2 yang wajib ada tu barang sama macam yang kita ada dari year1/ year3

barang2 harus ada:
- stethoscope
- pentorch
- tendon hammer
- tuning fork
- ruler
- measuring tape (make sure pakai yang tailor tu je..jangan beli yang ada tempat picit2 auto gulung tu..nanti dalam exam kena tolak markah)
- micropore 

me sharing these ikut my experience - as a post-pandemic student..so macam a bit different from previous2 batch..

as usual, we all begin dengan theory class - hybrid..

before kita go one by one, let me list out all the postings in year 5 (in msu)..
year 5 ada 6 postings..

1) Orthopaedic
2) Emergency Medicine
3) Surgery
4) Internal Medicine
5) O&G
6) Paediatrics

sequence dia macam biasa - ikut batch..actually waktu our time tu dah slowly back to square dah..cuma ada tempat restricted, ada tempat can pergi..

so we were divided into 2 groups (A&B)
each group ada 22 students..and each group will go to different posting..means at one time akan ada one group jela kat satu2 posting tu..i was in group B (so rotation dia was as above)

strictness at the hospital, depends department..

1) Orthopaedic (4weeks)
- this posting was a good start..most probably easy start..it just macam terkejut sikit sebab dah lama tak ke hospital kan..
- apa je boleh buat kat hospital? - anything..as long as under supervision..so depends diri sendiri jugak..be proactive, ask to help etc insyaAllah dipermudahkan..
- all the staff kat this department very helpful..tak garang2 sangat..and semua membantu (a lot)
- kalau nak kata must-bring item ke hospital tu macam takde sangat..tendon hammer jela..tapi kat ward pun ada..so, bawa diri and brain je kot..tapi me and my friend bawak je stethoscope..dia macam habit..but we are usually on 'lucky side' sometimes..we did CPR kat ortho ward..which was rarely happened..so, bawak steth..
- BST format macam biasa jela (present case)

--> stress level: ***

2)Emergency Medicine (4weeks)
- this one was my most favorite posting! banyakkkkk sangat belajar kat posting ni..kat sini betul kena bawak steth :D sebab all the time pakai..
- tapi, format dia tak sama dengan lain2 posting..kt ED ada je temporary ward..but patient tukar2..so untuk BST usually ambik patient yang baru sampai..
- means kalau kat posting lain boleh ambik any patient sebab possibility patient tu ada kat ward by the time presenting case tu tinggi..kat ED cannot..cari case on the day of your turn untuk present cases tu..ambik from any zone takpe (nak selamat ambik red or yellow zone)..but not psych cases..bukan tak boleh, just not preferable.. 
- nak buat apa je kat ED? - seriously, banyakkkk sangat boleh buat kt ED..berbaik la dengan MA, and rajin2 la oncall..me slalu oncall waktu kat ED..by tengah malam patient makin ramai..so banyak la pengalaman sikit..

- stress level: **

3)Surgery (8weeks - tapi jadi 10 sebab ada 2weeks cuti)
- to be honest, if your rotation same with mine, bila masuk surgery dia jadi shock a bit..sebab dari ortho and ed, both macam leisure(?) posting..so bila masuk surgery jadi strict..for me la..tapi not in a bad way pun..
- kat surgery, depends sebenarnya you nak masuk ot ke tak..sebab kadang yang sempat masuk pun ELOT..nanti jadi lamaaa btul duk dalam tu (up to 12H)..kat ward pun dah boleh buat macam2, study macam2 dah..
- takde banyak sangat pun kena bawak kat surgery (but stethoscope is a must as student)

stress level: ***

4)Internal Medicine (8weeks)
- this one, as how it was famous on, the most nervewrecking one..dia macam, you dont know what yu dont know or should know but you must know..but dont worry, you will get through it too <3
- stethoscope, neurokit, tendon hammer, bawak je smua..semua pakai nanti

overall stress level: *****

5)O&G (4weeks)
- this one, full of hormones..tak tau macamana nak explain..tapi dapat rasa la tegang tu..mungkin sebab dia banyak medicolegal punya cases kot so macam everyone must be very discipline..
- but so far yang me jumpa semua baik2 and sangat membantu alhamdulillah <3
- things to bring - pinard, steth, ruler, measuring tape

overall stress level: ****

6)Paediatrics (4weeks)
- this one, depends..if minat budak2 so this posting is for you..as for me, im not into budak2 sangat so macam, just go with the flow jela..
- tapi its fun..sebab boleh bagi toys kat budak2 tu..and borak dengan paeds patient kadang lagi mengisi jiwa <3
- things to bring - toyssssssssssss, steth

stress level: ****


if ada anything yanie boleh tambah later yanie tambah..if anyone ada soalan sila2 la comment kat bawah..insyaAllah yanie reply :)


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