entering year 3 mbbs - what to prepare?

 assalamualaikum w.b.t...

today my class habis awal..so sempatla jenguk blog kejap :D

few juniors tanya - bila masuk year 3, beza sangat ke dengan year 1,2?
a bit different kot i can say..tapi sebab kami punya year 3 begin with online class so takde apa sangat pun..

what to prepare before masuk year 3?

1) mindset 
- ubah mindset from preclinical to clinical :)
- in clinical year, just ada rotation je..but still lagi carry that 'fireworks' a bit..
- each rotation/posting, dah takde specific subject macam preclinical..now its time to apply..so in each rotation, u will be exposed to each diseases in detail..lagi fun la kot :D
2)ada berapa rotation?rotation apa?macamana?
- total for year 3 ada 4 rotations
- Surgery, Paediatrics, Internal Medicine, O&G
- rotation tu depends on faculty..nanti dah divide group etc nanti dapat la rotation masuk posting mana dulu smuatu :)

3) what to buy? ***most popular question ever**
- soalan ni ramai jugak tanya..actually first thing yang perlu ada is stethoscope and tendon hammer je - which we all already have since year one kan :) if not yet, boleh beli dua ni :)
- other things akan menyusul after dah masuk posting tu..tak perlu beli awal2 unless duit kepok2 tak tahu nak beli apa dah :D
 sini yanie list out things yang yanie beli for clinical years utk awal2..beli sikit2 slow2 pun takpe..tak perlu all at the same time :)
-->stethoscope (pakai yang beli from bms lagi je)
-->tendon hammer (also from bms years)
-->pentorch (ni pun sama from bms)
-->paeds kit (buat sndiri - ambik anakfrut punya)
-->tuning fork
-->suture kit
- but again, the main one is stethoscope & tendon hammer tu je..paeds kit prepare yang basic2 pn dah okay.. suture kit not really guna pun..tapi saja je beli sebab nak practice suture kat rumah..that one more to final year i think..
- and if kamu ada housemate yang ambik medic jugak, berbaik la dengan beliau..so that takdela all thingss kena beli..boleh pinjam certain2 things..

4) how about buku?
- TBH, yanie beli mostly buku2 untuk study/memorize easily je..macam short notes..not textbooks..
- for textbooks yanie pakai pdf version je..tak mampu nak beli each posting banyak2 buku..
- for me, list buku yang yanie beli:
-->Doctrina Perpetua (for 3 postings - surgery, paeds, obgyn)
-->Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (IM)
- but again, those books don't treat them as textbooks..untuk mudah faham/hafal boleh la baca..but for further explanation etc still kena buka textbooks..
- other than that mostly yanie buat notes sendiri je..
- list textbooks yang yanie pakai:
*Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery
*Browse's Introduction to Symptoms & Signs of Surgical Diseases
*Compact Clinical Guide to Critical Care, Trauma, and Emergency Pain Management

*Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics
*Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics (Sunflower)
*Paediatric ECG Survival Guide
*Malaysian Paediatric Protocol

-->Internal Medicine<--
*Davidson's Principles & Practice of Medicine
*Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
*Making Sense of ECG
*ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy

*O&G by Ten Teachers (favorite most Drs)
*DC Dutta (tapi this one buku lama..some Drs tak suka)
*O&G Today
*Williams Obstetrics
*Dewhurst's Textbook of O&G

buku2 tu berguna untuk seminar mostly..sebab if nak pakai for study tu macam all the time nak bukak tu susah jugak..untuk fahamkan mungkin ya..but not all the time..by time nanti jarang2 je bukak buku2 tu..better buat notes sendiri la..

setakat tu je kot dulu yanie mampu share..if anything nak tanya feel free to comment kat bawah :)


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