why diploma, why ipts and what to expect in ipts

assalamualaikum w.b.t...

wanna write about this long ago..tapi now dah habis 1st degree baru rajin nak share :D


after spm result i got an offer from oversea..but due to some reasons and to cut the story short, i declined the offer..

then i told my parents me taknak foundation/matriks..nak diploma..and after the news spread maka ramaila yang question why me tak masuk matriks/foundation..malu je ambik diploma etc..
so, why i took diploma?
- sebab me tak suka gamble about unsure things..foundation/matriks/sewaktu dengannya is kinda gambling for me..as me still need to learn whole broad thingss and choose later..if i'm not yet sure what to do later - yes..maybe i will enter matriculation..sebab dapat je matriks..but coz at that time (after spm) i already nekad nak ambil medical pathway..so why nak sakitkan kepala again kan..that's why i end up choosing diploma as my next pathway after spm..
 next, why ipts?

- after that diploma-thingy people questions why my parents sent me to private uni instead of ipta, situ dahla mahal, too socialied nnt terpesong akidah blablabla...

- first thing first, its not my parents that forced me to go to private uni..neither me who force my parents to send me there..since form 4 lagi sebenanya i told my parents that i wanna go to ipts..reason?ntah..no specific reason sebenanya..sebab memang nak private uni..bukan sebab ipta tak bagus..but me also don't know why He make me solid about this :)
- maybe among the many reasons one of the reason is sebab in ipts i can choose nak ambil course apa..so after spm i can choose which pathway i wanna go through..yang me boleh view silibus2 dia and boleh tukar as long as i choose course yang selayaknya..
- reasons selebihnya biarlah only me yang simpan..its not that top secret pun..tapi tak rajin sangat nak type :p

final one - what to expect in ipts?
- before masuk ipts, ramai la yang macam "wehh nanti situ pergaulan bebas..takde batas agama..nanti terpesong akidah..nanti lupa daratan etc etc"
 and i was like......apakah?ni mesti kes banyak tengok filem2 yang tak perlu ni..pengaruh filem namanya..
- so dear adik2 yang takut nak masuk ipts sebab dimomokkan dengan perkara2 seperti di atas, just don't be afraid..this world sama je kat mana2..depends on how kita bawa diri kita, agama kita..if nak terpengaruh, kat mana2 pun boleh..ipta ke ipts ke sama je ada variety of students from variety of background..
 - after all, its depends on macamana kita sendiri..know who you are, what your responsibilities, your priorities, agama and ingat your parents, insyaAllah takde apa2 pun..jangan cetekkan pemikiran kita :) 

- behind my decision of choosing diploma, ipts, other than its the thing that i want, me also nak ubah stigma certain people regarding diploma & ipts..i don't really like it bila asyik2 dari kecik dengar orang cakap pasal how low diploma is, how shameful to choose ipts is..mungkin in your circle takde orang yang talk like that..lucky u tak perlu dengar negative things like that :) but me one of those yang selalu dengar that thing..

- so by choosing this way (alhamdulillah), i want to make it something yang buka mata some people yang pandang rendah those yang ambik diploma, masuk ipts ni :) at least in the future if ditakdirkan ada anyone yang nak choose this pathway tapi takut about the stigma, they can happily choose it :)


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